Pratt & Whitney PT6 <!--Honeywell- TPE-331
Component Repairs-->

Engine Lines Supported:

Pratt & Whitney PT6 Component Repairs

Restoration of all dimensional criteria CNC Machining to restore bore alignments, cold
spray repairs on damaged casting features as required.

PT6T Reduction Gearbox Assembly

PT6T Accessory Gearbox Housing

PT6T Accessory Gearbox Cover

Full Overhaul of your component core, dimensional restoration utilizing Thermal Spray,
Weld, Chrome, Nickle, Braze, including detail parts replacement as required.

PT6T Support Assembly

PT6T Inlet Housing

PT6T Rear Reduction Housing

Full overhaul of your core component, Weld, Braze, Detail replacement,
Airflow, Machine, Metalize, Coating of vanes.